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Early Irish History
In 6000 B.C. Mesolythic peoples are the first inhabitants. Wood structures are lost. Entered Ireland by boat(currach). Mounds, Ring-forts (duns, raths), followed by cairns and dolmens(stone passages e.g. New Grange, 2 standing stones with stone across). Spiral designs; possibly sun worshippers. Celtic Culture:
Tribal families controlled small geographical areas, fostered children of rival tribes, engaged in skirmishes, allowed women the freedom to name the fathers of their children, engage in mobile pasture farming Druid religon Bardic schools maintained an archaic, formal tradition Old Irish language Brehon law, administered by a hereditary caste, who levied fines and divined solutions to practical problems,all within an extended family structure. Designs featured trumpet spirals, scrolls, pointed oval devices, later intricate interlacing, knot designs, animal and snake forms.
432: St. Patrick arrives in Ireland, which becomes Christian during the following century. Visits Tara, one of the sites of the High Kings of Ireland 805: Scandinvaians raid for the first times, plunder monasteries, destroy or carry off manuscripts and metal work. 1014: Celtic Brian Boru defeated Scandinavians at Battle of Clonturf 1541: Henry V11 declares King of Ireland
Angelican Church made state church;monasteries abolished 1591: founding of Trinity College in Dublin 1690:Battle of the Hoyne: Defeat of Catholic King Jamesll, Jacobites and French by William of Orange, an event still celevrated by Orangemen in the North of Ireland each July 1829:Daniel O'Connell leads Catholic Emancipation Act through the Catholic Association and by holding monster meetings. Propertied Catholics gain vote and ability to hold office. Cancels meeting directed at repeal of Act of Union. 1845-8: Great Potato Famine: population reduced from 8 to 5.5 million due to death by starvation and emigration. 1869: Land Acts lower Catholic rent ane grant some land tenure.